With Muntazim’s Dashboard Comprehensive Tools
Access all your key features in one place with Muntazim’s intuitive Dashboard. Keep track of the performances and make well-informed decisions.
We make wealth management easy!
Both teachers and parents have their personalized dashboards where they can login and perform various tasks specific to their students and assigned courses.
Teachers can assign, receive, track and grade homework, classwork, projects, tests, exams, quizzes. Mark attendance in quick time and generate reports including quarterly and final report cards. and communicate with the parents via mass email and SMS messaging.
From parent portal, parents can manage their children’s enrollments, pay fees, monitor attendance and assignments and communicate with Teachers and Admins via email, plus monitor a history of all communication from past.
“We are confident that with MUNTAZIM Parent and Teacher portals , you will see an [Emphasis]increased involvement of parents in the academic life of students , which is an essential ingredient for the success of every school.”
- Personal Dashboards
- Check Students Reports Card
- Parental Monitoring Tools
- Communicate With Others
- Fee Payments via Parent Portal
Add & Enroll students in multiple
schools / grades/ courses via Parent Portal - Lesson Planner For Teachers
Muntazim’s Dashboard is a powerful option for visualizing essential metrics. It is designed as an interactive tool with real-time updates and a superior reporting medium for Islamic school administrators to review performance and take decisive actions.
Customizable Dashboard Views
Customize your dashboard to showcase the data that best fits your needs. Our dashboard is fully configurable, enabling users to add and remove components such as widgets and data visualizers as needed.
Real-Time Data Visualization
Keep yourself updated with real-time data visualization. The dashboard provides a view of all the software’s features, and using the control panel, the user can tap into each feature to monitor the real-time data available.
Advanced Reporting and Analytics
You can prepare comprehensive reports with the help of detailed tools from Muntazim. Only the relevant data is extracted, and reports can be customized and exported in different formats.
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Key Features of Muntazim's Dashboard
Empowering Your School Community with the Powerful Tools
Getting started is quick & easy
Let's Connect
Contact us today to unlock your Islamic school’s full potential with the Muntazim dashboard and support your school community.
Muntazim’s dashboard showcases the data that best suits your institute’s needs.
Yes, the dashboard is fully portable, and users have complete control over the views that they want to be presented with.
Real-time data eliminates the problem of dealing with incomplete, outdated, or inaccurate information, and the dashboard feeds off various data sources for real-time information.
The data aid tutorial on Muntazim explains most features well, and other support materials (link) are provided.
Muntazim is very user-friendly. The visible options guide the user to setup and do the configuration process. Also the available tutorials can provide assistance with customization of the dashboard..